Passed by the General Assembly of the State of Ma-
ryland at November Session, 1812.
No. 1.
RESOLVED, That Benjamin Harwood, trustee and treasurer for the
state of Maryland be, and he is hereby authorised and directed to sub-
cribe in the manner prescribed by the act of congress, entitled, an act
authorising a subscription for the old six per cent, and deferred stocks,
and providing for the exchange of the same, passed on the 6th day of
July, 1812, for the whole amount of said stocks belonging to the state,
and receive new certificates for the same, agreeably to the provisions of
the above recited act.
Passed Nov.
23, 1812.
Relative to
the old six per
cent, and de-
ferred stocks
of the United
No. 2.
RESOLVED, That William Marbury, late agent for the state of Ma-
ryland be, and he is hereby directed to transfer to Benjamin Harwood,
trustee, all the old six per cent, and deferred and three per cent stocks,
now standing in his name belonging to the state.
No. 3.
Passed Nov.
23, 1812.
Relative to
WHEREAS, The secretary at war of the United States did require
from the late governor of this state, that he order into service at Anna-
polis a portion of this state's quota of militia; and whereas, the said
Passed Nov.
23, 1812.
requisition has been gratified, and as it is represented to this General
Assembly that the troops thus required and now stationed at Annapo-
lis, have not been provided by the general government with the cloth-
ing necessary for their protection from the inclemency of the present
and approaching season:
RESOLVED, That the governor and council be, and they are hereby
requested to cause to be purchased for the use of the militia now sta-
tioned at Annapolis, sufficient clothing for the season.
RESOLVED, That a sum not exceeding five thousand dollars be ap-
propriated for the above object oat of any unappropriated money in the
treasury, and that the treasurer of the Western Shore pay the same to
the order of the governor and council.
No. 4.
Relative to
clothing the
militia station-
ed at Annapo-
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the Western Shore be, and he is
hereby directed to pay to John Chance and John Watkins the sum of
eight pounds seven shillings and three pence current money, with in-
terest from the twenty second day of May, one thousand seven hundred
and eighty eight; the aforesaid sum being due the petitioners for the
deficiency of the land sold in Baltimore county, near My Lord's Ma-
nor, by the late agent of the reserved land, to John Chance, as appears
by the certificate of the auditor.
Passed Dec.
3, 1812.
In favor of
John Chance
&. John Wat-
No. 5.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the Western Shore pay to his
Excellency the Governor, or his order, the residue of the sum which
still remains in the treasury appropriated under an order of the last
session, for the purpose of furnishing the Government House, and such
additional sum as may be deemed requisite for the repairs necessary
thereto, and furnish the same, not exceeding five hundred dollars.
Passed Dec.
7, 1812
Making an
for the Gov'-
ment House.
No. 6.
RESOLVED, That Benjamin Harwood, trustee of the state be, and
he is hereby authorized and directed, to transfer the amount of thirty
thousand dollars of the six per cent stock of the United States, to the
President and Directors of the Potomac Company, upon their pledge-
Passed Dec.
15, 1812.
Authorising a
transfer of stock
the president