which may come into the treasury, be first applied to
the payment. of the civil list for the ensuing year.
Passed Jan.
1, 1813.
An Act for the payment of the Journal of Accounts,
WHEREAS, it appears by the journal of accounts
of this session, that there is clue from this state the
sum of thirty-thousand three hundred and fifty nine
dollars, twenty four and one fourth cents. Therefore.
sums due to be
BE IT ENACTED, By the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the treasurer of the Western Shore
shall, and he is hereby authorised and required to pay
the several persons, their executors, administrators,
assigns or order, or to such of them as shall offer to
receive the same, the several sums of current money
allowed to them respectively, as they may appear to
be settled and ascertained by the said journal of ac-
counts, out of any money now in the treasury, or
that shall come into the treasury subject to. the appro-
priation of the general assembly.
Passed Jan.
3, 1813.
An Act providing for the appointment of Bailiffs for
the City of Baltimore.
Number to
be appointed.
SECT. 1. BE It ENACTED, By the Ge-
neral Assembly of Maryland, That the Mayor of the
city of Baltimore be, and he is hereby authorized to
appoint during pleasure, not less than twenty five,
and not exceeding one hundred bailiffs, for the pur-
pose of aiding in the preservation of the peace, the
maintenance of the laws, and the advancement of the
police, and good government of said city.
Duties, &c.
said bailiffs.
2. AND BE It ENACTED, That the Mayor and
City Council of Baltimore be, and they are hereby
authorized and directed to prescribe the duties, desig-
nate the badges and weapons,. and provide for the
compensation of said bailiffs in such manner as effec-
tually to secure the important objects of their appoint-
Passed Jan.
2, 1813.
An Act to continue in force the Acts of Assembly
which would expire with the present Session.
All acts
which would
expire conti-
nue for one
BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That all such acts and parts of acts of
assembly as would expire with the present session of
assembly, be, and the same are hereby continued for
one year from the passage of this act, and the
end of the next session of assembly which, shall
happen thereafter.