Wright, (of Solomon, ) Christopher Cox, Daniel C.
Hopper and Robert Emory; for Worcester county,
Samuel Handy, Senr. M'Kimmey Porter, Joshua
Prideaux, Rowland E. Bevans and William Quin-
ton; for Frederick county, James S. Hook, Jacob
Ketcheturner, Henry Koontz, Junr. John Brengle
and Ignatius Davis; for Harford county, Alexander
Rigdon, John Clendennin, William M'Matb, William
Caldwell and Josias William Dallam; for Caroline
county, William Potter, Frederick Holbrook, Wal-
ter L. Fountain, Levi Dukes and Samuel Culbreth;
for the city of Baltimore, Thorndike Chase, Peter
Bond, Cumberland Dugan, Robert M'Kim and
James Carey; for Washington -county, David 'Har-
ry, James M'Clain, William Gabby, Jacob Zeller
and John Shaffer; for Montgomery county, Robert
Pottenger Magruder, Abraham Jones, Richard Tho-
mas, William Holmes and Greenbury Howard; for
Allegany county, John H. Bayard, John Reid, James
D. Cresap, George Hoffman and John Templeman.
47. AND BE IT ENACTED, That ail the sev-
eral Acts,, of Assembly, contrary to, or which are
supplied by this act, be and the same are hereby re-
Laws contra-
ry to this re-
SECT. 1. BE IT ENACTED, by the General As-
sembly of Maryland. That the following officers of
civil government for the time being, shall be entitled
to receive at the rate of the following salaries, in cur-
rent money, for4he ensuing year, to wit: The trea-
surer of the Western Shore two thousand dollars;
the treasurer of the Eastern Shore four hundred
and fifty dollars; the auditor eight hundred dollars;
the clerk of the council eight hundred dollars; the
clerk of the senate one hundred and fifty dollars;
the clerk of the house of delegates three hundred
dollars; the printer to the state twelve hundred dol-
lars; the messenger to the council two hundred and
fifty dollars.
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all monies
which shall remain in the treasury after discharging
the journal of accounts, and all unappropriated money
Monies com-
ing into the
treasury, &c.