35. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the commis-
sioners, in estimating estates and interests in lands
and town lots, shall observe the following rules, to wit:
that all lands held and enjoyed immediately by tenants
in fee-simple absolute, or fee-simple conditional, or
executory, fee tail, in dower, by the courtesy for life,
or for years, without any valuable rent reserved, shall
Rules to be
observed in
estimating es-
tates, &c.
be wholly valued to such tenants.
36. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the tenant
or person holding any lease hold estate, shall pay to
the collector the sum valued for the estate or interest
of any land lord, and the tenant or person so paying
may have his or her action against the lessor, or his
or her heirs, executors or administrators, for the sum
of money he or she shall so pay, as for money paid
for his or her use, or may deduct the money so paid,
or any part thereof, out of any rent reserved upon
such tenancy, unless otherwise agreed between the
lessor and lessee.
Tenants, &c.
of lease-hold
37. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the average
value of the lands by the acre in Allegany county,
be fifty cents current money, and that the average
value of the lands in Washington county, shall be
three dollars and twenty cents per acre, any thing in
the before mentioned act to ascertain the value of the
land in the several counties of this State, for the pur-
pose of laying the public assessment, to the contrary
Average value
of lands in Al-
legany and
38. AND WHEREAS, Large quantities of land
to the westward of Fort Cumberland in Allegany
county, have been granted, disposed of or sold by the
State, to different persons, and in many cases the per-
son or persons to whom the same have been disposed
of were vested with an estate in fee simple therein,
without any patent therefor, in virtue of an act to
dispose of the reserved lands westward of Fort Cum-
berland in Allegany county; and to fulfil the engage-
ments made by this State to the officers and soldiers
of the Maryland line, in the service of the United
States, and sundry supplementary acts thereto:
BE IT ENACTED, That all lands granted, dis-
posed of, or sold in virtue of the said act and supple-
ments thereto, shall be and they are hereby made
chargeable with any public tax or assessment, or
county charge, that is or may hereafter be laid or im-
posed according to the respective value which shall be
Lands west-
ward of Fort
made charge-
able with pub-
lic tax.
set upon any such lands in virtue of this act: Provid-
ed, That nothing in this act contained shall subject to