sale any lands heretofore granted by the State of
Maryland to the officers and soldiers, where the same
remain in the possession of the original grantees,
or their heirs, under devise or by descent; but the
commissioners of the tax for Allegany county shall
cause to be entered on their books, all the lots or
parts of lots of land westward of Fort Cumberland,
which may come within their knowledge, that have
been or hereafter may be, in any manner transferred
by any officer or soldier, or where the right of any
officer or soldier to any such lots, or parts of lots
aforesaid, have been or hereafter shall or may be
transferred 'by any sale under any law or laws of the
United States or of this State, and when so entered
us aforesaid, and charged in the names of the purcha-
ser or purchasers, of said lots or parts of lots afore-
said, at any such sale or sales, the same shall be sub-
ject to and liable for the county taxes, as other lands
are in Allegany county, any law to the contrary not-
withstanding; and that the commissioners of the tax
for Allegany county be, and they are hereby authori-
sed and empowered-, to procure from the marshal of
the district of Maryland, a list of lands, lots and
parts of lots sold for the direct tax, and the purcha-
ser or purchasers thereof, the expence of which to be
levied on Allegany county as other county charges.
Lands grant-
ed, &c. — lists.
39. AND; BE IT ENACTED, That the register
of the land office shall, at the time of making the list
of land before directed, make put a list of all lands
granted, disposed of or sold in virtue of any of the
said acts, not heretofore returned, and deliver the
same directed to the commissioners of the tax for
Allegany county, sealed and endorsed as aforesaid,
to the sheriff of Anne Arundel county, to be forward-
ed as aforesaid.
Death of col-
40. AND BE IT ENACTED, That in case of
the death of any collector of the county taxes, and
before the expiration of the time limited by law for
the collection of the levy, the justices of the levy
court of the said county, or a majority of them, shall,
as soon after the death of said collector as shall be
convenient to meet at the usual place of meeting, and
appoint from amongst the securities of such collector,
another collector, who shall give bond and security
for the collection of the levy not collected by the for-
mer collector, and take an oath in the same manner
as is herein before directed to be taken by the former
collector, and in case of refusal, or if the collector
appointed out of them doth not give bond as afore-