Land certifi-
cates becom-
ing ready for
32. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the regis-
ters of the land offices on the western and eastern
shores respectively, shall annually between the first
day of March, and first day of May, make out for
the commissioners of the tax, for the county or coun-
ties where such lands may be, a list of all certificates
which have become ready for patent, expressing the
name of the land, the quantity it contains, and the
person who is entitled to patent; and in case of re-
survey, shall express the name of the original tracts
and quantity of vacancy added.
Lists of land
shall be sent to
33. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the register
of the land office for the western shore shall enclose
and deliver the list made out as aforesaid, directed to
the commissioners of the tax for the respective coun-
ties, endorsed "on public service, " to the sheriff of
Anne-Arundel county, to be by him transmitted as
public letters; and the register of the eastern shore
land office, shall enclose and deliver the list made out
as aforesaid, endorsed in like manner to the sheriff of
Talbot county, who shall transmit the same as public
letters to the respective counties.
34. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the clerks
of the court of appeals of the western and eastern
shores respectively, shall be and they are hereby di-
rected and required, on or before the first day of May
next, to make out from the records of deeds enrolled
at length among the records of their respective courts,
lists of the alienations of all land thereby granted,
bargained or sold, since the last list of alienations by
them respectively made out and forwarded; which
list shall express the names of -the bargainer or grant-
or, or bargainers or grantors,. bargainee or grantee,
or bargainees or grantees of the land, and the quan-
tity of acres the same may contain, and shall enclose
and direct the same under seal, endorsed "on public
service, " to the commissioners of the tax of the
county where such lands may lie, to be forwarded as
other public letters are by law directed to be forward-
ed, and under the like penalties; and the clerks of the
court of appeals of the western and eastern shores
respectively, shall annually thereafter, between the
first day of March and the first day of May in like
manner, make out from the records of deeds as afore-
said, lists of the alienations of all lands which shall
from time to time be granted, bargained or sold, and
recorded at length, to be directed9 delivered and for-
warded in like manner.