be or she shall be subject to the same penalties impo-
sed on persons refusing or neglecting to deliver an ac-
count to any assessor under this act.
29. AND BE IT ENACTED, That every col-
lector or his deputy, shall inform himself by all law-
ful ways and means of all personal property as afore-
said in his county, (except the property by this act ex-
ceptcd, ) and shall immediately on such information,
proceed to value such property agreeably to the di-
rections of this act, and shall return at the time and
at the place to be appointed by the commissioners of
the tax of the county of which he is a collector, a
certificate in writing of the particulars of all the said
persona] property in his county, and of his valuation
of the same, in which shall be expressed the number
of slaves of each description agreeably to this act,
and. the weight 'of plate; and shall return with his
certificate, an alphabetical list of all such persons
whose property he shall value.
Collectors and
deputies —
they shall in-
form them-
selves by all
lawful means
of property.
30. Provided always, AND BE IT ENACTED,
That every collector, or deputy collector, before he
proceeds on the duties by this act imposed, shall take
the following oath or affirmation, (as the case may
be, ) to wit: "I, A. B. do swear, (or affirm, ) that I
will well and truly execute the duties imposed on me
by an act entitled, An act for the valuation of real
and personal property within the several counties of
this State, and will justly and impartially value all
personal property which I shall be authorised to va-
lue, agreeably to the directions of said act, according
to the best of my skill and knowledge, and therein I
will spare no person for favor or affection, or any per-
son aggrieve for hatred, malice or ill will; " which
oath or affirmation any of the justices of the peace, or
commissioners of the tax may administer.
and deputy
31. AND BE IT ENACTED, That there shall
be allowed to each collector for the performance of the
duties by this act imposed on him, such a sum as the
commissioners of the tax in their discretion shall think
reasonable and proper, according to the duty which he
shall actually perform; which sums shall be respect-
ively laid by the justices of the levy courts of the
several counties of this State, and levied and collected
in the same, manner, and at the same time that other
county charges are laid, levied and collected; and
any person whose property shall be valued by a col-
lector or deputy collector as aforesaid, shall have the
same right to appeal that is granted to other persons
assessed under this act.
of collectors.