service, " to the clerk of the House of Delegates, and
shall within ten days thereafter, under the penalty of
one hundred dollars on each commissioner, deliver
the same to the sheriff of their county, to be by him
forwarded as public letters, and under the like pen-
alty, and shall also deliver to the clerk of his county
court, a duplicate thereof, to be lodged among the re-
cords of the said county in eight days thereafter; and
the clerk of the House of Delegates shall enter the said
summary account in a book to be provided for the
purpose, and keep the original in his office, and on
the second day of the next meeting of the General
Assembly, he shall lay the same before the House of
Delegates, for the inspection of the members.
Suits brought
tor acts done
in pursuance
of this law.
27. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if any suit
shall be brought against any person for any thing
done in pursuance of this act, the suit shall be com-
menced within six months after the fact committed;
and the defendant in any suit may plead the general
issue, and give this act and the special matter in evi-
dence, and that the same was done in pursuance and
by authority of this act; and if it shall appear so to
be done, or if any suit shall be brought after the lim-
ited time, then the jury shall find for the defendant,
and if the plaintiff shall become non-suit, or suffer a
discontinuance, or if a verdict shall pass, or upon de-
murrer judgment shall be given against him, the de-
fendant shall recover treble costs of suit as in other
cases at law.
Persons re-
moving from
any county,
28. AND BE IT ENACTED, That from and
after the passage of this act, every person who shall
or may remove to any county within this State, from
the county in which his or her property hath or may
have been assessed, or from any other place without
the State, and whose personal property hath not or
may not have been assessed in the county to which
he or she hath or may remove, every such person
shall, when required by the collector of the county, or
Ms deputy, in which his or her personal property un-
der his or her care and management doth or may lie,
to give to such collector, or his deputy, a full and par-
ticular account of his or her personal property in the
said county, and of all personal property in his or her
possession, or under his or her care and management,
liable to be assessed, and which before the time of
such request, shall not have been assessed in the said
county, and the name of the person to whom the same
belongs; and if any person shall refuse, or after rea-
sonable notice, shall neglect to render such account,