8. AND BE IT ENACTED, That it shall and
may be lawful for the orphans' court of Calvert coun-
ty, to allow the said trustee such commission as they
may think proper, upon the amount of sales to be
paid upon the final completion of the trust, which said
commission shall be exclusive of all necessary expen-
ses, except personal expenses.
Trustee's com-
9. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said trus-
tee shall, as soon as conveniently may be after the said
sale, return a true and just account thereof an oath,
to the orphans' court of Calvert county, there to be
recorded, and shall yearly and every year render an
account of his proceedings to the said orphans' court,
to be by them approved of and passed.
Trustee shall
return an ac-
count to the
An act authorising James Sloan, Senr. of the city of
Baltimore, as attorney for Dr. Joseph Mackrill,
to execute a deed to Edward Harris, for the lands
therein mentioned.
Passed Dec.
28, 1812.
WHEREAS, James Sloan, Senr. of the city of
Baltimore, hath by his petition represented to this
General Assembly, that by virtue of a letter of attor-
ney executed by Dr. Joseph Mackrill, of the Cape of
Good Hope, authorising him the said Sloan to sell and
dispose of his the said Mackrill's landed and other
property within the United States, and transfer the
same to the purchaser thereof, (the hand-writing of
the said Mackrill thereto signed being proved by the
affidavits of two respectable witnesses taken before
a justice of the peace for Baltimore county, and en-
dorsed on the said letter of attorney, ) he the said
James Sloan, did on the fourteenth day of May last
past, set up and expose to public sale, parts of two
tracts or parcels of land called "Level Union" and
"The Level Union, " containing seventy-four acres
and three quarters of an acre of land, situated in Bal-
timore county; but having been advised that a deed
executed by an attorney would not be valid to convey
the right and estate of the said Mackrill, to Dr. Ed-
ward Harris, who was the purchaser thereof; and the
existing war between this country and Great-Britain,
having obstructed the intercourse between the two
nations, and prevented the said Edward Harris from
receiving a deed for the said land from the said
Mackrill, the said James Sloan has prayed that a law