unto the names of Henry Cochran Irvine, and of
Charlotte Cochran Irvine, and it shall and may be
lawful for the said Henry Cochran, and Charlotte
Cochran, at all times hereafter to be called and
known by, and hold and use the names of Henry
Cochran Irvine, and of Charlotte Cochran Irvine
and by those names to sue and be sued in any court
of law or equity.
All securities,
&c. to have
force and ef-
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all securi-
ties, promises, contracts, assurances, deeds and law-
ful acts whatsoever heretofore made or done, or here-
after to be made or done by or to the issue of the said
Henry Cochran, or Charlotte Cochran, born or here.
after to be born, shall be of the same force and ef-
fect, and equally avail to all intents and purposes as
if the names of Henry Cochran Irvine, and of Char-
lotte Cochran Irvine, had been the true and proper
names of Henry Cochran, and of Charlotte Coch-
Passed Nov.
25, 1812.
An act supplementary to the act entitled, "An
act granting a loan of money to the Trustee of
Charlotte Hall School. "
Time limited
for refunding
said loan ex-
tended to A-
pril 1, 1823.
BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the time limited for the payment of
the money loaned by the act to which this is a supple-
ment be, and the same is hereby extended to the first
day of April, eighteen hundred and twenty three.
Passed Nov.
25, 1812.
A further supplement to the act entitled, "An
act to facilitate the draining of land in the se-
veral counties therein mentioned. "
Act of l790,
extended to Q.
Ann's county.
BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That an act passed at November session,
one thousand seven hundred and ninety, entitled, An
act to facilitate the draining of land in the several
counties therein mentioned, be and the same is hereby
extended to Queen Ann's county, to operate on the
said county in its various provisions, clauses and ef-
fects, in the same manner as if it had been originally
included, named and inserted therein.