tion in said district in a building in the town of
Charlestown, formerly occupied as a public jail
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the judges of
the respective election districts in Cecil county, shall
appoint two of the constables of their respective dis-
tricts to attend on the days of election, at the place
of receiving the votes at the different election dis-
tricts in which such constables may reside, for the ex-
press purpose of preserving the peace and quelling
disorders and riots, who shall each be entitled to one
dollar for each day they shall respectively attend in
virtue of this act, to be paid as other charges are paid
by Cecil county.
Judges shall
appoint con-
stables to pre-
serve the
peace — their
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the act of as-
sembly passed at November session eighteen hun-
dred and ten, entitled, "An act to alter and change
the place of holding, the election in the third elec-
tion district in Cecil county and for other purposes, "
be and the same is hereby repealed.
Act of 1810
An act for the relief of John Mitchell, Senr. and
Richard Dove, of Prince George's county.
Passed Nov.
25, 1812.
BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly, of
Maryland, That the justices of the levy court of
Prince George's county be, and they are hereby au-
thorised and directed to assess and levy on the assess-
able property of the said county, a sum of money
riot exceeding thirty dollars, for the support and
maintenance of John Mitchell, Senr. and a further
sum of thirty dollars for the support and mainte-
nance of Richard Dove; and that the same be col-
lected annually by the collector of Prince George's
county, and by him paid to the said John Mitchell,
Senr. and Richard Dove, or to their orders.
Sums to be
assessed by
the levy court.
An act to change and alter the names of Henry
Cochran, of the city of Baltimore., to Henry
Cochran Irvine, and of Charlotte Cochran, of
the city of Baltimore, to Charlotte Cochran Ir-
25, 1812,
SEC. 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, That the names of Henry
Cochran, and of Charlotte Cochran, both of the city
of Baltimore be, and are hereby changed and altered
They may
use, and sue
and be sued by
said names.