called Church Grove, containing seventy three acres,
and that the same is unoccupied and very poor, and
that it will in a very short time become entirely use-
less to the heirs, and prays that a law may pass au-
thorising the orphans' court of Caroline county to
appoint a trustee to sell the said lands for the use and
benefit of the said orphan children of Zachariah
Gouty: Therefore,
Trustee may
be appointed
and a sale may
be ordered by
the orphans'
SEC. 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, That it shall and may be law-
ful for the orphans' court of Caroline county, on ap-
plication to them made for that purpose, to appoint a
trustee and order a sale of all the right, title, interest
and estate of the said James Gouty, Mary Gouty,
Lucretia Gouty and John Stevens Gouty; minors and
orphan children of the aforesaid Zachariah Gouty,
deceased, in and unto the aforesaid tract of land, upon
such terms and conditions as shall appear to said
court best calculated to promote the interest of the
said minors.
Sale shall be
confirmed by
said court.
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That any sale
made by the authority of the orphans' court of Caro-
line county aforesaid, under this act, shall be notified
to and confirmed by the said court, before the con-
veyance of the said property shall be made.
of sale.
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That before a con-
firmation of the sale of said land, by the orphans'
court as aforesaid, the money arising therefrom shall
be secured to be paid to the said James Gouty, Mary
Gouty, Lucretia Gouty and John Stevens Gouty, or
the survivors of them, as they shall severally arrive
at lawful age, or to 'their leg a! representatives, in such
manner as the said orphans' court shall direct.
Just claims.
4. AND BE IT ENACTED, That nothing in
this act contained shall be construed to defeat any
just claim that may be against the said Zachariah
Gouty, nor in any wise to deprive the widow of the
said deceased, of her right of dower.
Deed shall be
5. AND BE IT ENACTED, That any deed
made by virtue of this act, under the directions of the
orphans' court of the county aforesaid, and agreeably
to the provisions and reservations heretofore directed,
shall be good and valid in law, to pass all the title of
the said James. Gouty, Mary Gouty, Lucretia Gouty
and John Stevens Gouty, in and to the premises
aforesaid, to the purchaser or purchasers.