An act for the relief of Charles Thompson, of Dor-
Chester county.
SEC. 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the title of the real property, law-
fully and fairly acquired by the aforesaid Charles
Thompson, whether such title be derived by gift,
grant, purchase or devise, be, and the same is here-
by as amply and as fully, vested in the said Charles
Thompson, as if the said Thompson had become na-
Passed Dec.
29, 1812.
Tide to pro-
perty confirm-
turalized, agreeably to the laws of the United
States, before the acquiring such real property: Pro-
vided always, That nothing herein contained shall in
any manner defeat or affect any right, title or claim
to the said property or any part thereof, lawfully ac-
quired by any person or persons whatsoever, before
the passage of this act.
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all such deed
or deeds of conveyance, made and executed by the
said Charles Thompson., to the several persons who
may have purchased property of him prior to his be-
coming naturalized, shall be as good and valid to all
intents and purposes as if the said Charles Thompson
had been legally naturalized.
Deeds of con-
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That any real pro-
perty hereafter acquired by the said Charles Thomp-
son shall be vested in him, as fully and as amply as
Real property
hereafter ac-
if he had been regularly naturalized: Provided,
Nothing in this act contained shall have any effect or
operation in law, unless the said Charles Thompson
shall become a naturalized citizen of the United
States, so soon as the same can be done agreeably to
the acts of Congress in such cases made and provided.
An act for the benefit of James Gouty, Mary
Gouty, Lucretia Gouty and John Stevens Gouty,
orphan children of Zachariah Gouty, late of
Caroline county, deceased.
Passed Dec.,
29, 1812.
WHEREAS, It is represented to, this General
Assembly, by the petition of Abel Gouty, adminis-
trator of Zachariah Gouty, that the said Zachariah
Gouty died intestate, leaving four small children,
and that the whole of his personal estate has been
consumed in the payment of his just debts, and that
the said Zachariah Gouty died seized of a small
tract of land lying in Caroline county aforesaid,
1: 1.