An act to lay out a road in Baltimore county.
SEC. 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That Charles Jessop, Nathaniel
Childs and Amos Ogden, Junr. be, and they are
hereby appointed commissioners, and they or a ma-
jority of them are hereby authorised and empowered
to survey and lay out at the expense of the petitioners,
a road not exceeding thirty feet in width, commenc-
ing at a public road near Nicholas M. Bosley's gate,
thence running for the middle of the road, on the
division line between said Bosley and Morthland,
until it intersects a tract of land called Gearn, the
property of John C. Owings; thence east on the di-
viding line of said land, for the middle of the road,
between the said Owing, Morthland, and Joseph
Thornburgh, until it intersects the Baltimore and
York turnpike road; and the said commissioners
shall make a plot of the road as aforesaid directed to
be laid out and opened, and return the same to the
clerk of Baltimore county court, to be recorded
among the records of said county; and the said road
when so laid out and opened as aforesaid, and the
valuation hereinafter directed to be made shall be
paid or secured to be paid to the individuals con-
cerned, and shall forever thereafter be deemed and
taken to be a public road, and shall be kept in repair
as other public roads in said county.
Passed Dec.
29, 1812.
ers — at whose
expense to be
laid out —
width and di-
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the commis-
sioners, or a majority of them, shall ascertain and va-
lue, (if required, ) what damages may be sustained by
my person or persons over whose lands the said road
may pass, by opening the same, taking into consider-
ation the advantages and disadvantages, (if any; )
and the valuation shall be made before the said com-
missioners shall proceed to open the said road: Pro-
vided always, That if any person or persons through
whose land the said road may pass, or his, her or their
guardian or trustee shall conceive themselves ag-
grieved by such valuation and assessment of dama-
ges by the said commissioners, it shall and may be
lawful for any justice of the peace of said county,
on application of the party interested, or his, her or
their guardian or trustee, to issue his warrant, under
his hand and seal, directed to any constable of the
county, commanding him to summon twelve free-
holders uninterested in the opening of the said road,
to appear on a day by the said justice to be appointed,