release, in virtue of the act for the relief of sundry
insolvent debtors, passed at November session eigh-
teen hundred and five, and the several supplements
thereto, any allegations against him to the con-
trary notwithstanding.
Passed Nov.
23, 1812.
A supplement to An Act entitled, An act to au-
thorise the Levy Court of Baltimore county to
assess and levy on the assessable property of
said county, a sum of money to build a bridge
over the Great Falls of Gun Powder River.
passed at November session eighteen hundred
and eleven.
Two other
ers appointed.
SEC. 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, That Benjamin Buck and Jo-
seph Ford be, and they are hereby appointed com-
missioners in the room of Annanias Diviss and Jere-
miah Ford who were appointed commissioners by the
act to which this is a supplement, and who are since
dead, and that the said Benjamin Buck and Joseph
Ford act in conjunction with, the other commission-
ers named in the said act, in carrying into effect the
provisions of the said act.
John B. How-
ard appointed.
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That John B.
Howard be, and he is hereby appointed a commis-
sioner to act in conjunction with the commissioners
appointed by the original act, and of this supplement,
in carrying into effect the provisions of the said ori-
ginal act.
Passed Nov.
25, 1812.
An act to change the place of holding the elec-
tion in the third election district in Cecil Coun-
ty, and for other purposes.
WHEREAS, inconveniencies may and have re-
sulted from the place of holding the election in the
third election district in Cecil county, the same being
held in an out building on private property of indivi-
duals: Therefore,
Where to be
SEC. 1. BE IT ENACTED by the, general As-
sembly of Maryland, That the judges of the third
election district in Cecil county be, and they are here-
by authorised, and directed to hold in future the elec-