advantages and disadvantages into consideration, )
shall proceed to assess and value what damages have
been sustained by any person or persons whomso-
ever by extending said street, and shall also declare
what sum of money each individual benefited thereby
shall respectively contribute and pay towards com-
pensating the person or persons injured by extend-
ing said street; and the names of the persons, and the
sums of money which they shall respectively be
obliged to pay, and the time in which they shall pay
the same, shall be returned under their hands and
seals to the clerk of Baltimore county court, to be
filed and kept in his office; and the persons benefited
by extending the said street and assessed as aforesaid,
shall respectively pay the sum or sums of money so
charged and assessed to him, her or them with inter-
est thereon at the rate of six per cent from the time
limited for the payment thereof.
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the sums of
money assessed and charged to each individual bene-
fited by extending the aforesaid street, shall be a lein
upon and bind all the property so benefited to the
full amount thereof.
An act for the relief of Debby Ann M'Coy, (an in-
fant, of Anne-Arundel county.
Passed Dec.
29, 1812.
WHEREAS, Walter Pumphrey of Anne-Arun-
del county, by his petition to this General Assembly
has set forth, that a certain Thomsey M'Coy of said
county departed this life sometime in the year eigh-
teen hundred and eleven, leaving a female child aged
about three years, and there being no person to sup-
port and take care of said child, has prayed that a
law may pass authorising the levy court of Anne-
Arundel county to assess and levy a sum of money
for that purpose: Therefore,
BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the justices of the levy court of
Anne Arundel county be, and they are hereby autho-
rised and directed, to assess and levy on the assessa-
ble property of said county, a sum of money not ex-
ceeding thirty dollars, for the support and mainte-
nance of the said Debby Ann M'Coy; and that the
same be collected and paid annually for the term of
nine years, to Waller Pumphrey or his order, by the
collector of said county.
A sum may be
levied for her
support— to
whom to be