Buildings, &c.
4. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said
commissioners shall not lay out or open the said road
through, the buildings, gardens, yards, orchards or
meadows of any person or persons without his, her
or their consent.
Passed Dec.
26, 1812.
A supplement to an act entitled, An act authorising
the levy court of Prince George's county to open,
a road in said county.
Levy court
may open said
road — ex-
pense to be le-
vied on the
BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the levy court of Prince Georges
county be, and they are hereby authorised and requir-
ed to open the road in said, county, described in the
act to which this is a supplement, according to the
directions and provisions of the said act to which
this is a supplement; and they are hereby authorised
and required" to levy on the assessable property in
said county, a sum of money not exceeding five hun-
dred dollars, two hundred and fifty dollars of which
to be levied annually for the purpose of carrying
into effect the provisions of this act and the act to
which this is a supplement.
Passed Dec.
29, 1812.
A supplement to an act entitled, "An act to extend
M'Elderry -street, in the Eastern precincts of Bal-
timore. "
WHEREAS, It is represented to this General
Assembly, that by the act to 'which this is a supple-
merit, the damages sustained by reason of extending
said street were to be assessed and levied on the pe-
titioners only, which would operate partially, and is
contrary to the provisions always made in such
cases, which are, that all persons benefited shall pay
their proportion of the damages incurred: Therefore,
SEC 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General As-
sembly of. Maryland, That the sheriff of Baltimore
county, after having given at least ten days notice in.
one or more of the news papers of the city of Balti-
more, shall at any time before the first day of May
next, summon twelve tree holders inhabitants of the
said precincts not interested ill the premises, who
being first sworn to assess and value what damages
shall be sustained by any person or persons by rea-
son of extending M'Elderry-street under the provi-
sions of the act to which this a supplement, (taking