declared to be no longer a public road, any law to the
contrary notwithstanding.
An act respecting certain land certificates in Wash-
ington county.
Passed Dec.
29, 1812.
BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That all certificates of survey of land
heretofore made in Washington county, not com-
pounded upon, and which are now liable to proclama-
tion be, and, the same are, on and after the first day of
October next, unless then paid on or secured by war-
rant of proclamation, are hereby vacated, made null
and void, and placed upon the same footing with all
other vacant land in said county, liable to be affected
in the same manner and in any quantity, without be-
ing bound by or paying any regard to the aforemen-
Certificates of
tioned survey: Provided, That the land included in
any survey vacated by this act, shall not be liable to
be affected by any warrant issued before the first day
of October next.
An act for the relief of Andrew Porter Evans, a
purchaser of confiscated property.
Passed Dec.
29, 1812.
BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the power and authority vested in
the Chancellor of Maryland, in and by virtue of a
resolution of the. General Assembly of Maryland,
passed on the tenth day of November eighteen hun-
dred and one, respecting a sale of certain lands in
Cecil county, Maryland, made by Daniel of St. Tho-
mas Jenifer, to Jesse Reynolds, be and are hereby
vested in the judges of the county court of Cecil,
and that the said judges be empowered to act in all
matters appertaining thereto, as the said Chancellor
was authorised to act in and by virtue of said resolu-
Certain pow-
ers vested in
the judges of
the county
An act annulling the marriage of Vincent P. Taylor,
and Elizabeth his wife.
Passed Dec.
29, 1812,
WHEREAS, It is represented to this General As-
sembly, by the petition of Elizabeth Taylor, that she
intermarried with a certain Vincent P. Taylor, about
seventeen or eighteen years ago, and had issue by him