erick county, emigrated to and settled in this State,
and since his emigration and settlement as aforesaid,
has acquired real property therein, and his title to
such property from his not having become natural-
ized agreeably to the laws of the United States, may
be called in question to his great detriment and in-
jury: Therefore,
Property vest-
BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the title of the real property law-
fully and fairly acquired by the aforesaid George Mi-
chael Conradt, whether such title be derived by gift,
grant, purchase or devise, be, and the same is hereby
as amply and as fully vested in the said George Mi-
chael Conradt, as if. the said George Michael Con-
radt had become naturalized agreeably to the laws of
the United States, before, the acquiring of such real
property: Provided always, That nothing in this act
contained shall in any manner defeat or affect any
right, title or claim to the said property, or any part
thereof, acquired or prosecuted by any person or per-
sons whatever, before the passage of this act: And
provided also, That unless the said George Michael
Conradt shall, on or before the first day of October
next, proceed, if be has not heretofore proceeded, ac-
cording to law, to make himself a citizen of the
United States, this act shall have no effect to confirm
his title to the property above-mentioned.
Passed Dec.
28, 1812.
An act to slop a public road in Prince George's
WHEREAS, Sundry inhabitants of Prince George's
county, by their petition to this General Assembly,
have represented, that there is a public road which
passes by the former residence of Gilbert Falconar,
across Collington to the public road which runs from
Henderson's chapel, to the former residence of John
Duvall, and which is of no public utility, -as there
are two other public roads running parallel to it, and
have prayed that the General Assembly would de-
clare the said road not to be a public road, and thus
authorise the same, to be stopped: Therefore,
Road to be no
longer a pub-
lic highway.
BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the road in Prince George's county,
passing as aforesaid, by the former residence of Gil-
bert Falconar, across Collington to the public road
which runs from Henderson's chapel to the former re-
sidence of John Duvall, be, and the same is hereby