now living; that about nine years ago the said Vin-
cent went to sea, and has been absent from the said
Elizabeth ever since, although he has been often, as
she is informed, in the United States since his depar- 1
ture; that the said Elizabeth was left in indigent cir- 1
cumstances, charged with the care, burthen and main- 1
tenance of four children, and has received no support
from the said Vincent since his departure; that from
an affidavit annexed to her petition, she has just cause
to believe that he has since his departure again mar-
ried; that the said Elizabeth since the departure of
her husband, fell heir to a small real estate in Caro-
line county, which has been levied on and sold by the
sheriff of Caroline to satisfy and pay a judgment
rendered against the said Vincent; that the said Eli-
zabeth can obtain a re-conveyance of this land, pro-
vided she can obtain a divorce and thereby prevent
its being again sold to satisfy other claims which may
have been contracted by the said Vincent, unknown
to her; and praying that a law may pass annulling
her marriage with the said Vincent P. Taylor:
BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the marriage of the said Vincent
P. Taylor, and Elizabeth his wife, heretofore sol-
emnized be, and the same is hereby declared to be
absolutely and to all intents and purposes null and
void, and the said Vincent P. Taylor, and Elizabeth
his wife, are hereby declared to be divorced a vinculo
matrimonii: Provided always, That nothing in this
act shall be construed to illegitimate any issue of the
said Vincent P. Taylor, and Elizabeth his wife, born
prior to this act.
Passed Dec.
29, 1812.
An act to lay out and open a road in Anne-Arundel
WHEREAS, It is represented to this General As-
sembly, by the petition of sundry inhabitants of Anne-
Arundel county, that they are subject to great incon-
venience for want of a public road leading from Anne-
Arundel Manor to West River: Therefore,
ers — its width
and direction
SEC 1. BE IT ENACTED, by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, That Edward Hall, (of West
River, ) Gassaway Pindell, Thomas Sellman, Benja-
min Allein and John Thomas, of Anne Arundel
county, be, and they are hereby appointed commis-