2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the justices
of the peace in said county are hereby authorised
and empowered, to receive any fine or fines for
which they may respectively render judgment,
against any overseer of the roads in the said county,
and shall account with and pay over to the levy court
of said county annually, all monies which they may
have respectively received in virtue of this act, under
the penalty of paying treble the amount thereof in
case or failure or neglect.
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the levy
court in Worcester county shall have power, and
they are hereby authorised whenever they may deem
it necessary, to ascertain and list all persons who
shall be liable to be called out to work on the public
roads in said county or. any part of the same, and to
apportion the lands as they may deem most equitable
and just.
Powers of the
levy court.
4. AND BE IT ENACTED, That no white
male inhabitant of said county under the age of
twenty one years, or above the age of fifty years,
nor any servant or slave or any other person under
the age of eighteen years, or above the age of sixty
years shall be liable to be called out to labor in re-
pairing the public roads in said county.
Who shall be
liable to labor
in repairing.
5. AND BE IT ENACTED, That whenever
any overseer of the road in said county shall die, or
a vacancy shall happen before the term for which
such overseer was appointed shall expire, on appli-
cation made in writing by any three persons residing
in the neighbourhood where such vacancy may hap-
pen, to the clerk of the levy court, the said clerk
shall appoint and commision a proper person in the
neighbourhood where such vacancy may happen,
overseer of said road or roads during the remainder
of the term, and any person appointed as aforesaid, as
soon as he shall receive his commission, shall have the
same powers, and shall be bound in the same manner
and liable to the same penalties as other overseers of
the roads in said county.
6. AND BE IT ENACTED, That any part or
parts of any law, contrary to or inconsistent with this
act shall be and the same is hereby repealed.
Other acts re-
pealed if con-
trary to this.
An act for the relief of George Michael Conradt,
of Frederick county.
Passed Dec.
28, 1812.
WHEREAS, George Michael Conradt of Fred-