supplements thereto, without requiring of the said
Aquila Beall to produce the assent of two thirds of
his creditors in amount.
An Act authorising Charles L. Snyder to remove
his Negroes from the State of Virginia, into
this state.
Passed Nov-
19, 1812.
SEC. 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, That the said Charles L Sny-
der be, and he is hereby authorised and empowered
at any time or times within twelve months after the
passage of this act, to remove and bring into this
state, his four negroes, Ned, Anna, Charlotte and Sa-
rah, that he now has a bona fide absolute right unto,
in the same manner that he might or could have done
at the time of his own removal into this state, any
law to the contrary notwithstanding.
He may re-
move them
within 12
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said
Charles L. Snyder register the said negroes in Alle-
gany county court, in the same manner as he by law
would have been compelled to do, had he have brought
them into this state within one year after his removal
from Virginia as aforesaid.
Negroes to be
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That nothing
herein contained shall be construed to enable the said
Charles L. Snyder to sell or dispose of any such slave
or slaves as aforesaid, until they shall have resided
within this state three whole years after the passage
of this act, except in cases of disposition by last will
and testament, and disposition by law for bona fide
debts, or consequent upon intistacy.
He shall not
dispose of said
negroes under
three years
residence un-
less in certain
An Act for the relief of John Tobin of the city
of Baltimore.
Passed Nov.
20, 1812.
WHEREAS, it is represented to this General As-
sembly by the petition of John Tobin of the city of
Baltimore, an insolvent debtor, that in consequence
of allegations filed against him, he has been impri-
soned for nineteen months, and praying that he may
be liberated: Therefore,
BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the judges of Baltimore county
court, are hereby authorised and empowered to ex-
tend to the said John Tobin, the benefit of a personal
, ' <J
Benefits of
the insolvent
laws granted.