dates for offices or degrees on lectures in any other
University of established reputation, for the space of
one or more terms, as equivalent to an attendance for
one of the above prescribed terms; and no student or
students shall be admitted to the degree of bachelor
of arts, until he or they shall have attended lectures
in said University for two years, or to the degree of
master of arts, until he or they shall have attended
the same for three years; but the said regents may
consider the attendance during one or more years in
any other respectable institution as equivalent to one
year's attendance in said University.
Honorary de-
16. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the regents
shall have full power to confer the honorary degrees
of doctor of divinity, doctor of physic, doctor of
laws and master of arts, on any person recommended
by the faculty, whose degree is contemplated to be
What shall be
considered a
17. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all students
who matriculate in the said University, previous to
the first day of December, in each year, and attend
any three courses of lectures therein, to the end of the
course, shall be considered as having completed a
Valuation of
18. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the benefit
cial exception in favor of all property real and per-
sonal, owned by colleges, contained in the first sec-
tion of the Act of Assembly, passed at November
session eighteen hundred and three, chapter ninety-
two, entitled, "An act for the valuation of real and
personal property within this State, " or which may be
contained in any future act, be, and the same is hereby
extended to all the property real and personal be-
longing to, or hereafter to be owned by the said Uni-
19. AND BE IT ENACTED, That in case at
any lime hereafter, through oversight, or otherwise
through misapprehension and mistaken construction
of the powers, liberties and franchises in this charter
or act of incorporation granted, or intended to be
granted, any ordinance should be made by the said
corporation of regents, or matter done and trans-
acted by the said corporation contrary to the tenor
thereof, all such ordinances, acts and doings, shall of
themselves be null and void; yet they shall not in any
courts of law, or by the General Assembly, be deem
ed, taken, interpreted or adjudged into an avoidance
or forfeit are of this charter and act of incorporation
but the same shall be and remain in full, force and va-