lidity, the nullity and avoidance of such acts to the
contrary notwithstanding.
20. AND BE IT ENACTED, That this charter
and act of incorporation, and every part thereof, shall
be good and available in all things in law, according
to the true intent and meaning thereof, and shall be
construed, reputed and judged, in all cases, most fa-
vorably on the behalf, and for the best benefit and be-
half of the said regents and their successors, so as
most effectually to answer the valuable ends of this
act of incorporation, towards the general advance-
ment and promotion of the professions, sciences and
Charter shall
be valid.
21. AND BE IT ENACTED, That so much of
the act passed at November session eighteen hundred
and seven, entitled, "An act for founding a Medi-
cal College in the city or precincts of Baltimore, for
the instruction of students in the different branches
of medicine, " as is inconsistent with, repugnant to,
or supplied by this act be, and the same is hereby re-
Act of 1807
partially re-
An act entitled, An act to sell part of the real es-
tate of Nicholas Carroll, late of the City of An-
napolis deceased.
Passed Dec.
29, 1812.
WHEREAS, It hath been represented to this
General Assembly, by the petition of the widow and
children of Nicholas Carroll, late of the city of An-
napolis, deceased, that it will very much advance the
interest of the family to have a part of the real es-
tate which hath descended to them sold, and the pro-
ceeds applied as herein after stated: And whereas,
Under the circumstances in said petition set forth,
the chancellor hath declared that he hath no power to
order such sale,
SEC. 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, That ail those lands of which
the said Nicholas Carroll died seized, lying on or
near Magothy in Anne-Arundel county, or the tracts
of land of which he died seized in Kent county, at
the election of the trustees herein named, by whatso-
ever name or names the said lands may be called or
known, shall be sold at some convenient place on or
near the premises, on a credit of twelve months,
bearing interest from the day of sale; and that Nich-
olas Charles Carroll, Robert Traill Spence and Wil-
liam Temple Thompson Mason, or any two of them
Certain lands
may be sold —
trustees shall
give bond.