different faculties to hold public commencements, either
on stated annual days or occasionally, as the future
ordinances of the said institution may direct; and at
the said commencements to admit any of the students
of the said University, meriting the same, whose
names shall be severally inserted in the said mandate,
to the office and profession of surgeon, or to the de-
gree of bachelor or doctor of physic, or doctor of di-
vinity, or doctor of laws, and bachelor, or master of
arts; and further, the said provost shall have made
out and sign with his own hand, diplomas and certifi-
cates of the admission to such offices or degrees;
which diplomas and certificates shall be sealed with
the common or public seal of the University, and. de-
livered to the graduates as honorable and perpetual
testimonials of such admission; which diplomas or
certificates in order to confer still greater honor on
such graduates, shall also be signed by as many of
the different professors and lecturers as can conveni-
ently sign their names thereon.
14. AND BE IT ENACTED, That no student
or students within the said University shall be ad-
mitted to any of the aforesaid offices and degrees, or
have their name or names inserted in any mandate
for that purpose until such student or students shall
have been first duly examined and thought worthy of
the same, at a public examination of candidates, to be
held in the said University, on the day of commence-
ment, by and in the presence of the regents, and such
other persons as may attend the same; and also until
such student or students shall have had such previous
private examinations, and have performed such exer-
cises as shall be prescribed by the future ordinances
of the said University.
Offices and
degrees — stu-
dents not to
be admitted
without an ex-
15. AND BE IT ENACTED, That "no student
or students in the said University, shall be admitted
to the decree of bachelor of physic, except he or they
shall have attended medical lectures in the said Uni-
versity during one term; or to the degree of doctor of
physic, or doctor of divinity, or doctor of laws, ex-
cept he or they shall have attended the lectures on the
respective subjects during two terms, and shall dur-
ing that period have attended each of the lectures
prescribed by the ordinances, at least one term, and
shall also have written and caused to be printed, a
Thesis or Theses, in the Latin or English languages
and shall publicly defend the same on the day of com-
mencement; but the regents of said University may
consider the attendance of such candidate or candi-
Degrees, &c.