Medicine of Maryland, and their successors, shall
constitute the Faculty of Physic; that the professor
of theology, together with six ordained ministers of
any religious society or denomination, and their suc-
cessors, shall form and constitute the Faculty of Di-
vinity; that the professor of law, together with six
qualified members of the bar, and their successors,
shall form and constitute the Faculty of Law; and.
that the professors of the arts and sciences, together
with three of the principals of any three academies
or colleges of this State and their successors, shall
form and constitute the Faculty of the Arts and Sci-
Meetings of
11. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said re-
gents and their successors, shall meet at least once a
year, in stated annual meetings, to be appointed by
their own ordinances, and at such other times as by
their said ordinances they may direct, in order to ex-
amine into all matters touching the discipline of the
institution, and the good and wholesome execution of
their laws; and that the said regents, when duly as-
sembled, shall have full power and authority to make
their own rules of proceeding, and to make funda-
mental regulations for the government and discipline
of the University, in all which meetings a majority of
the whole number of regents shall be a quorum to do '
any business, except to vacate the seat of the provost
of said University, or of any of the professors or lec-
turers, for which purpose the consent of three-fourths
of the whole number of the regents shall be neces-
sary, and then only on a formal impeachment.
Faculty of
physic shall
hold one term
annually — its
duration — lec-
18. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the faculty
of physic of the said University, shall hold one term
in each and every year, which shall commence on the
third Monday in October in each year, and shall con-
tinue not less than lour nor more than six months, as
may be regulated by the ordinances of the Univer-
sity, within which period all the lectures to be deliver-
ed by said faculty shall be given, except the lectures
on botany, and such other lectures as the regents shall
deem most proper to be delivered at a different sea-
13. AND BE IT ENACTED, That in order to
animate and encourage the students of the said Uni-
versity to a laudable diligence, industry and progress
in the professions and sciences taught therein, the said
regents and their successors, shall, by a written man-
date under their privy seal, and the hand of their pro-
vost, have full power and authority to direct the