rents, annuities, hereditaments, or other property,
real or personal, of said University, (exclusive of the
lot and buildings occupied by the said University, )
shall not exceed one hundred thousand dollars; and
all gifts or donations to the said University, after the
yearly value of their estates shall amount to an hun-
dred thousand dollars as aforesaid, and all bargains
and purchases to be made by the said University,
which may increase the yearly value of said estates
above or beyond the sum aforesaid, shall be abso-
lutely void and of no effect.
&c. — gifts,
donations, &c.
6. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said re-
gents and their successors, shall have full power and
authority to have, make and use one common and
public seal, and likewise one privy seal, with such de-
vices and inscriptions as they shall think proper, and
to ascertain, fix and regulate the uses of both seals,
by their own laws; and the same seals, or either of
them, to change, break, alter and renew at their plea-
7. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said re-
gents shall have full power and authority to appoint a
provost of the said University, who shall preside at
their meetings, and perform such other duties as may
by the said regents be assigned to him, and in his ab-
sence, to appoint a vice-provost, who shall always be
one of their own body.
8. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the mode of
constituting and appointing the professors and lectur-
ers of the different branches of physic, divinity, law,
and the arts and sciences, shall be as follows: Each
of the faculties shall possess the power of appointing
its own professors and lecturers; and it shall be the
duty of the said professor and lecturer, of the differ-
ent branches aforesaid, to instruct the students of the
said University by delivering regular lectures on their
respective branches.
Mode of ap-
pointing pro-
vosts, &c.
9. AND BE IT ENACTED, That each faculty
shall be capable of choosing its own dean, and of ex-
ercising such powers and authorities as the regents
of said University and their successors shall by their
ordinances delegate to them, for the instruction, disci-
pline and government of the said institution, and of
all students, officers and servants belonging to the
same: Provided, That nothing be done in virtue of
this contrary to the constitution of this State or to the
constitution of the United States.
10. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the profes-
sors now appointed and authorised in the College of
what shall