faculties or colleges, thus united, shall be, and they
are hereby constituted an University, by the name
and tinder the title of The University of Maryland.
Students — re-
ligious tenets
shall not dis-
qualify — pro-
vost, &c.
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said Uni-
versity shall be founded and maintained forever upon
the most liberal plan, for the benefit of students of
every country and every religious denomination,
who shall be freely admitted to equal privileges and
advantages of education, and to all the honors of the
University, according to their merit, without requir-
ing or enforcing any religious or civil test, urging
their attendance upon any particular plan of religious
worship or service, nor shall any preference be given
in the choice of a Provost, Professor, Lecturer, or
other officer of the said University, on account of
his particular religious professions, but regard shall
be solely had to his moral character, and other neces-
sary qualifications to fill the place for which he shall
be chosen.
Body politic.
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the members
of the said four faculties, together with the provost of
said University, and their successors, shall be, and
are hereby declared to be one corporation and body
politic, to have continuance forever, by the name and
style of the " Regents of the University of Mary-
land; " and by that name shall be, and are hereby
made able and capable in law, of enjoying to them-
selves and their successors, in fee, or. for any lesser
estate, any lands, tenements, hereditaments, annui-
ties, provisions, goods, chattels and effects, of what
kind, nature and quality whatsoever, and by whomso-
ever given, granted, bargained, sold, aliened, enfeoffed,
released, confirmed or devised, and the same to grant,
demise, alienate or dispose of in such manner as they
shall judge most pro motive of the interests of said
4. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said re-
gents and their successors, shall be able in law to sue
and be sued, plead and be impleaded, answer and be
answered, in any court or courts, before any judge or
judges, justice or justices, within the State, and else-
where, in all and all manner. of suits, pleas, cases and
demands, of whatever kind, nature, or form they be,
and to do all and every other matter and thing hereby
contemplated to be done, in as full and effectual a
manner as any ether person or persons, bodies corpo-
rate or politic, in like cases may or can do.
Valuation of
5. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the yearly
value of the messuages, bouses, lands, tenements,