BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That all the estate, right and title, ac-
quired by the several deeds of trust executed for the
benefit of the aforesaid society of people called
Quakers, of, in and unto the lots of ground and pro-
perty before mentioned., be, and the same is hereby
vested in John Trimble, John Dukehart, William
Husband, Ely Balderston, Thomas Matthews, David
Brown, and William Proctor, their heirs and assigns,
in trust, for the same uses and purposes as are men-
tioned in the act of Assembly above referred to, and
to and for no other use or purpose whatsoever, saving
Property vest-
to all and every person and persons their several and
respective rights: Provided always, AND BE IT EN-
ACTED, That it shall be the duty of the trustees
above named, or the survivors of them, whenever
called upon or required by the said monthly meeting
so to do, to transfer the trust hereby reposed in them
to such other trustees as the said monthly meeting
may name and appoint, which said new trustees,
when chosen, shall hold the said property subject to
the like provisions as are herein before contained; so
that the said trust may and shall be perpetuated and
transmitted in manner aforesaid, from time to time
An act for founding an University in the city or
precincts of Baltimore, by the name of the Uni-
versity of Maryland.
Passed Dec.
29, 1812.
WHEREAS, Public institutions for the promo-
tion and diffusion of scientific and literary know-
ledge, under salutary regulations, cannot fail to pro-
duce the most beneficial results to the State at large,
by instilling into the minds and hearts of the citizens
the principals, of science and good morals: And
whereas, it appears to the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, that this desirable end would be much ad-
vanced by the establishment of an University in the
city or precincts of Baltimore: Therefore,
SEC 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, That the college for the pro-
motion of medical knowledge, by the name of The
College of Medicine of Maryland, be and the same
is hereby authorised to constitute, appoint and annex
to itself the other three colleges or faculties, viz: The
Faculty of Divinity, The Faculty of Law, and The
Faculty of the Arts and Sciences; and that the four
University in-