their road to or begin at George-Town in the district
of Columbia, and to make the road within the said
district in the same manner and on the same terms as
they are authorised to do in the State of Maryland,
and with power to erect a toll gate on said road
within two miles of George-Town, and there to re-
ceive the tolls authorised and established by this law,
when, and so soon as the said road shall be made
and completed through Tennelly Town as far as
Montgomery Court House.
Passed Dec.
28, 1812
An act for the support of William M. Chaney of
Anne-Arundel county.
WHEREAS, William M. Chancy of Anne-
Arundel county, by his petition to this General As-
sembly hath set forth, that he is old and is much af-
flicted with bodily infirmities incident to old age,
which has rendered him unable to provide for himself
and a large family a sufficient support, and praying
an act may pass to provide for his maintenance; and
the facts stated in said petition appearing true:
A sum to be
levied for his
BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the justices of the levy court of
Anne-Arundel county shall, and they are hereby
empowered at their next levy court, and at their levy
court annually during the life of the said William
M. Chaney, to levy on the assessable property of
said county, the sum of thirty dollars for the support
of the said William M. Chaney, and the same when
collected shall be paid by the collector of said county
to William M. Chaney or order, for the purpose
Passed Dec.
28, 1812.
A sum may be
levied for her
An act for the relief of Alice Craycroft.
BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the justices of the levy, court of
Anno Arundel county be, and they are hereby autho-
rised and directed at their meeting for the purpose of
laying their county levy, to assess and levy annually,
so long as the same shall be necessary, a sum of mo-
ney not exceeding thirty dollars, on the assessable
property of the said county, for the support and
maintenance of the aforesaid Alice Craycroft, to be
collected as other county charges are and paid to the
said Alice Craycroft or her order.