A supplement to revive, amend and continue an act
entitled, An act to incorporate a company to make
a turnpike road from the line of the district of
Columbia, where it crosses the post road leading
from George-Town to Frederick -Town, through
Montgomery and Frederick counties, to Frederick-
Passed Dec.
24, 1812.
WHEREAS, An act entitled, An act to incorpo-
rate a company to make a turnpike road from the
line of the district of Columbia, where it crosses the
post road leading from George-Town to Frederick-
Town, through Montgomery and Frederick coun-
ties to Frederick-Town, passed the General Assem-
bly of Maryland at November session eighteen
hundred and five, but owing to accidental causes was
never carried into effect: And whereas., It will be of
great public utility to have said road made: Therefore,
BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the said act passed at November
session eighteen hundred and five, entitled, An act
to incorporate a company to make a turnpike road
from the line of the district of Columbia, where it
crosses the post road leading from George Town to
Frederick-Town, through Montgomery and Freder-
ick counties, to Frederick-Town, be, and the same is
hereby revived, amended and continued, and instead
of the persons authorised by that act to receive sub-
scriptions, the persons herein after named are substi-
tuted in their places to open and receive subscrip-
tions and carry the said law into effect, as if it had
originally passed at this present session of Assem-
bly, to wit: at George-Town, John Mason, Wash-
ington Bowie, Thomas Peter, Clement Smith and
Daniel Buzzard; at Washington city, Charles Car-
roll, Daniel Carroll, (of Duddlngton, ) William Brent,
Robert Brent and Tench Ringgold; at Rockville,
Upton Beall, Thomas P. Willson, Brice Selby, Ho-
nore Martin and Richard Anderson; at Frederick-
Town, John M'Pherson, John Grahame, George
Baer, Francis Mantz and Henry Kubn; at Elizabeth-
Town, William Fitzhugh, Moses Tabbs, Upton
Lawrence, Frisby Tilghman and Otho H. Stall:
Provided nevertheless, That this law shall not be
carried into effect, by making of the road, until a
law of the United States shall pass authorising the
company hereby intended to be created, to extend
Act of 1805
revived, a-
mended and