under his hand and seal, directed to the sheriff of
Baltimore county, commanding him to summon
twelve free holders disinterested in the removal of the
said house and laying open said jot, to appear on a
certain day by the said justice to be appointed, on
the property of the said Henry Zegler, and the said
free holders having first made oath, before a justice
of the peace, that they will without favor, affection or
partiality, assess the damages sustained by the said
Henry Zegler, in the removal of said house and con-
demnation of said lot, as a public highway, and shall
thereupon proceed to assess and value the damages
accordingly; of which the said commissioners or a
majority of them shall have had at least five days
notice, and shall return the damages so assessed to
the said justice of the peace; and such inquisition and
valuation shall be final and conclusive, and the party
or parties in whose favor the valuation ascertained by
the said commissioners, or the damages ascertained
by the said free holders shall be made, shall be enti-
tled to receive the same from the said commissioners,
or a majority of them; and the said commissioners, or
a majority of them, shall pay or cause to be paid
within the space of six months after the assessment
of such valuation or damages; and before they shall
proceed to remove the house and lay open the lot of
the said Henry Zegler, and upon the payment of the
money or securing the same to be paid to the said
Henry Zegler, his heirs or executors, the said com-
missioners, or a majority of them, may remove the
said house and lay open said lot, to remain a public
highway forever thereafter.
5. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the sums of
money assessed and charged by, the commissioners,
or a majority of them, to each individual benefited by
the removal of the house and opening the aforesaid
street, shall be a lien upon and bind all the property
so benefited thereby to the full amount thereof,
WHEREAS, A number of the inhabitants of the
city and precincts of Baltimore, by their petition to
this General Assembly have set forth, that a consider-
able convenience would accrue to the public as well
as individuals, by continuing Forrest street and Good