forms an angle with the Harford road, in the eastern
precincts of Baltimore.
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said com-
missioners, or a majority of them, are hereby invest-
ed with full and ample powers to remove the said
house and open the said street, on paying the valua-
tion so ascertained, or secure the same to be paid unto
Henry Zegler, his heirs or assigns; and when the
said lot hath been so paid for, and the house thereon
so removed, the said lot shall forever thereafter be-
come a public street and be kept in repair as other pub-
lic streets are.
Powers of
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said com-
missioners, or a majority of them, are hereby author-
ised to receive subscriptions from such person or per-
sons who think fit to subscribe, for the purpose of re-
moving said house: Provided,, That if the full amount
of the expense incurred by opening the said street is
not subscribed for by the first day of April, eighteen
hundred and thirteen, the said commissioners, or a
majority of them, shall proceed to assess and value
what sum or sums of money such individual benefited
thereby, shall respectively contribute and pay to-
wards compensating the said Henry Zegler, his heirs
and assigns, for the said house and lot; and the names
of the person or persons, and the sum or sums of mo-
ney which they shall respectively be obliged to pay,
shall be returned under their hands and seals to the
clerk of Baltimore county court, to be filed and re-
corded in his office; and the person or persons ben-
efited by the removal of said house and the opening
of said street, and assessed as aforesaid, shall respect-
ively pay the sum or sums of money so charged and
assessed, to the said commissioners, or their treasurer,
which they or a majority of them have power to ap-
point; and when the sum or sums of money so di-
rected to be paid to the commissioners or their trea-
surer, have been received by them or their treasurer,
shall be paid by the same to the said Henry Zegler,
his heirs, executors or assigns; which payment when
so made or secured to be made to the said Henry Zeg-
ler as aforesaid, shall be in full for the said house and
4. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if the said
Henry Zegler shall conceive himself aggrieved by
such valuation and assessment of damages by the
said commissioners, it shall and may be lawful for
any justice of the peace of said county, on applica-
tion of the said Henry Zegler, to issue his warrant