opening and extending of said street, and assessed as
aforesaid, shall respectively pay the sums of money
so charged and assessed to him, her or them, with
interest thereon from the time limited for the pay-
ment thereof.
Sums of mo-
ney assessed,
shall be a lien
upon property
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the sums of
money so assessed and charged to each individual
benefited by opening and extending said street, shall
be a lien upon and bind all the property so benefited,
Damages must
be secured to
be paid before
said street is
to the full amount thereof.
4. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the street a-
fore-said, shall not be extended or opened through the
property of any individual injured thereby, until the
damages by him, her or them sustained and assessed
as aforesaid, shall be first tendered, paid or secured
to be paid, to his, her or their satisfaction, together
with legal interest thereon, from the time at which
payment is limited to be made,
Passed Dec,
23, 1812.
A supplement to the act entitled, "An act for the
opening of Bridge-street in the eastern precincts
of the city of Baltimore. "
WHEREAS, It is represented. to this General As-
sembly by the petition of sundry inhabitants of the
eastern precincts of Baltimore, that a law having
passed hi the year eighteen hundred and seven, ap-
pointing commissioners for the removal of a certain
house in Bridge-street, belonging to Henry Zegler.
on the said commissioners paying to the owner of
the said house and lot. the sum of one thousand pounds,
which sum was to be raised by subscription; the pe-
titioners further represent that the property has been
estimated by the owner thereof, at a sum much higher
than its real value, and that Thomas Dickson, Tho-
mas M'Elderry and Aquila Miles, three of the com-
missioners out of five, are dead, they therefore pray
that a law may pass appointing three other commis-
sioners to act in conjunction with the two now living,
with a view of removing the said house out of the
said street; Therefore,
House and lot
to be valued —
by whom.
SEC. 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That George Warner, John Hillen,
Samuel Vincent, Daniel Conn and John Kelso be,
and they are hereby appointed commissioners, and
they or a majority of them shall ascertain and fix
the value of Henry Zegler's house and lot in Bridge-
street, and situated on the point where said street