Wheeler late of Harford county deceased, be and
the some is hereby ratified and confirmed; and that
the commissioners or the survivors; of them appoint-
ed by Harford county court, at March term eighteen
hundred and two, to make sale of the real estate of
Benjamin Wheeler deceased, be, and they are here
by authorised and directed to execute a deed to
Benjamin Rigdon or his assigns, for all the land
sold to him the said Rigdon, by the commissioners
appointed as aforesaid by Harford county court, to
make sale of the real estate of the aforesaid Thomas
Wheeler deceased; and that the said deed shall have
the same force, validity and operation to convey an
estate in fee to the said Benjamin Rigdon or his, as-
signs, in the same manner as if the said Benjamin
Rigdon or his assigns had been the original purcha-
sers of the same, from the commissioners directed
by this act to execute the deed aforesaid: Provided
nevertheless, AND BE IT FURTHER. ENACT-
ED, That the commissioners hereinbefore directed
tp execute the deeds before mentioned, shall not ex-
ecute the same unless they shall be satisfied that the
purchase money for the said lands hath been fully
paid and satisfied to the person or persons entitled to
the same.
An act authorising a lottery to raise a sum of money
for building a Masonic Hall, in the city of Bal-
timore, and to repeal the Acts of Assembly therein
Passed Dec.
21, 1812.
WHEREAS, A petition hath been presented to
this General Assembly, by John Crawford, Peter
Gait and Abraham Larsh, officers of the Grand
Lodge of Masons in Maryland, on behalf of them-
selves and those under their jurisdiction, stating that
an act of the General Assembly was heretofore pass-
ed, authorising the raising a sum of money by lottery
for the purpose of erecting a Masonic Hall in the city
of Baltimore, that several supplements have been
passed to said law, but the same are found inadequate
to the purposes intended; and praying that a law may
be passed authorising the raising a sum of money by
lottery for the purposes aforesaid: Therefore,
SEC. 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, That John Crawford, Tobias
E. Watkins, Peter Little, Peter Gait, Abraham
Larsh, Junr. Samuel Moale, Edward J. Coale,
scheme or
schemes may
be proposed