manner in the estate of John Ross, late of the city of
Annapolis, deceased.
An act to authorise Benjamin Leitch, former Collec-
tor of Calvert county, to complete his collections.
Passed Dec.
19, 1812.
WHEREAS, It is represented to this General As-
sembly of Maryland, by the petition of Benjamin
Leitch, former collector of Calvert county, that from
various circumstances he has not been able to com-
plete his collection within the time limited: There-
SEC. 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, That the said Benjamin Leitch
be, and he is hereby authorised to collect until the first
day of January, eighteen hundred and fourteen, all
balances due him as collector of Calvert county, in
the same manner as he could or might have done
within the time limited by law, any law to the con-
trary notwithstanding.
Collection —
extended to
Jan. 1. 1814.
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said Ben-
jamin Leitch before he derives any benefit from or
under this act, shall lodge a copy of his collection
books in the clerk's office of Calvert county, to be
open for the inspection of all persons interested in the
books — a copy
shall be lodged
in clerk's of-
fice of county
An act to alter and amend a certain, road in Harford
Passed Dec.
19, 1812.
WHEREAS, It is represented to this General As-
sembly by the petition of sundry inhabitants of Har-
ford. county, that the road leading from Winter's lion,
near Price's mill, to the White House, passes over
several hills that are so steep that it is with difficulty
a loaded waggon can ascend them, and prays that the
said road may be altered so as to pass by the mill, of
the said Price, and thence in a direct line so as to fall
into the old road near to a small house owned by a
certain Walter Bull, and have stated in their petition
that no charge would be made by land-holders for
the land over which the said road would pass: There-
SEC. 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, That John Moores, William
M'Math and Samuel Bradford be, and they are here-
by appointed commissioners to alter and amend the
ers — they may
alter and a-
mend said road
— its width —