the right and title to the said real estate, which was
in the said William Farquhar in his life time, and in
his son James Farquhar, since the decease of his fa-
Money arising
from the sale
— how to be
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the money
arising from the sale of the real estate of James Far-
quhar as aforesaid, after paying the debts of said
James Farquhar as aforesaid, shall be applied by the
trustees to the maintenance and support of James
Farquhar and his family, under the direction of the
orphans' court of Frederick county, which is hereby
empowered to take the same under their direction.
court may re-
quire trustees
to give bond —
bond shall be
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the orphans'
court of Frederick county, may require the said trus-
tees to give bond with security to the State of Mary-
land, in such sum as they may think necessary, to
secure the faithful performance of the trust hereby
committed to them, which bond shall be recorded in
the office of the register of wills of said county, and
suits may be instituted and prosecuted on said bond,
in the same manner as on bonds of a similar nature
in said office.
Passed Dec.
19, 1812.
An act for the relief and benefit of Sarah Stinch-
WHEREAS, Sarah Stinchcomb, of the city of An-
napolis, hath set forth by her petition, that a certain
John Ross, of said city, departed this life some time
since, and that lie was the son of the said Sarah
Stinchcomb, not born in legal wedlock, and that her
son aforesaid died without issue, by reason whereof
the property at her death will become the property of
this State, and prays that the State's right be relin-
quished, the prayer of the petitioner appearing rea-
sonable: Therefore,
Right of the
State relin-
SEC. 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, That any right that the State
may have at this time, or may hereafter have, to, the
real and personal estate of John Ross, late of the city
of Annapolis, deceased, be, and the same is hereby
relinquished to Sarah Stinchcomb, of the city of An-
napolis, the mother of John Ross aforesaid, any
law, usage or custom to the contrary notwithstand-
Rights of indi-
viduals not af-
fected by this
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the provisions
of this act shall in no wise be construed to affect the
right or interest of any individual, interested in any