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Session Laws, 1854
Volume 616, Page 86   View pdf image
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small letters, "Cresite et multiplicamini;" on the
upper pan of the circle there shall be the words "The
Great Seal," and at the bottom, in two horizontal
lines, the words, "of Maryland;" the words, "The
Great Seal" and Maryland," to be in large letters on
the left side of the circle; near the bottom shall be the
figures, "1632," and on the right side the figures,
"1854;" the diameter of the seal shall be two inches
and a quarter.

SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the new seal shall
be used on and after the first day of May next, on
which day the Governor shall cause the present seal to
be broken.

When to be

SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect on its passage.


In force.

AN ACT relating to the burthen of proof in suit or pro-
secution by the State of Maryland against the agents
of foreign corporations.

Mar. 1, 1854.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That in all cases in which any person or
persons shall be sued or prosecuted for acting within
this State as agents of any corporation not incorporated
by this State without the license required therefor by
law, it shall be sufficient to prove on behalf of the State
in such suit or prosecution, that the name of the said
corporation set forth in the declaration or indictment is
that under and by virtue of which the said agent or
agents have professed to act, and the burthen of proof
that such corporation is not incorporated by the State
of Maryland shall not devolve upon the said State
either as plaintiff or prosecutor, but it shall be incum-
bent upon the defendant or defendants, traverser or
traversers, to show that the corporation for which said
defendant or defendants, traverser or traversers, may
have acted as agent or agents, was duly incorporated
by the said State.

Proof on be-
half of State.

SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect from its passage.

In force.

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Session Laws, 1854
Volume 616, Page 86   View pdf image
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