Mar. 1, 1854.
AN ACT making appropriation for the repayment of
certain sums of money erroneously paid into the
Authority to
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, Thai the treasurer pay on the warrant of
the comptroller, to the German Society of Maryland,
one hundred and six dollars and twenty-five cents; to
John H. Barnes, fifty-seven dollars and seventy-five
cents; to Thomas H. Hicks, sixty-two dollars and fifty
cents; to Joseph H. Jones, twenty-nine dollars and
sixty cents; and to John W. Geyer, three hundred and
twenty-five dollars and eighty-nine cents; being the
amounts severally overpaid by them into the treasury.
Sum appro-
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the sum of five
hundred and eighty-one dollars and ninety-nine cents,
is hereby appropriated out of any unappropriated money
in the treasury for the purposes of the first section.
Mar. 1, 1854.
AN ACT to reduce the capital of the Farmers' Bank of
Maryland, at Annapolis, and to pay the amount redu-
ced to the stockholders thereof.
WHEREAS, the capitals of the branches of the Farmers'
Bank of Maryland, as originally established, have
been reduced, and the amount of those reductions
added to the original capital of the parent bank, un-
der the provisions of the act of the General Assembly
passed at January session, eighteen hundred and fifty-
three, chapter four hundred and forty-one, entitled,
an act to continue the corporate existence of the
several banking institutions therein mentioned; and
whereas, it is represented that it would be for the in-
terest of the stockholders to reduce this enlarged cap-
ital of the Farmers' Hank of Maryland, and the par
Value of each share from fifty dollars to thirty dol-
lars; Therefore,