AN ACT to authorise the county commissioners of Al-
legany county, to levy a sum of money on the taxable
property in said county for the purpose of enclosing
the new Jail in said county with a wall.
Feb. 24, 1854.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the county commissioners of Al-
legany county, be, and they are hereby authorised and
empowered to levy a sufficient sum of money on the
taxable properly in said county, not exceeding two
thousand dollars, for erecting a substantial wall around
the new jail in said county, and which said sum when it
is so levied, shall be collected as other county taxes are
now collected in said county.
Authority to
SEC. 2. And be it enacted. Thai, the said sum when
so levied and collected shall be paid over to the build-
ing committee appointed to superintend the erection of
the said jail, and shall by the said building committee
be applied and expended in the erection of a wall
around the said jail.
Sum collec-
ted to be paid
building com-
SEC. !3. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect from the day of its passage.
In force.
AN ACT appointing trustees and authorising them to
hold property for the use of the Methodist Church in
the town of Bel-Air, Harford county.
Feb. 24, 1854.
WHEREAS, the trustees to whom had been conveyed a
lot of ground in the town of Bel Air, Harford coun-
ty, for the use of the Methodist church, have died
without appointing successors as provided by the
deed of trust and it is desirable to supply that omis-
sion; Therefore,
SECTION 1. Bo it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the lot of ground in Bel-Air, Har-
ford county, distinguished as lot number two, on plat
of said town, containing one-half of an acre of land
In whom