more or less which was conveyed by Aquila Scott, to
Philip Henderson and others, be, and the same is here-
by vested in, and shall be held by Nathan Dean,
Senior, Charles Gorsuch, John Enlows, James Her-
ron, Junior, John T. Dean, Thomas E. Bond, Junior,
Stephen Severson, Joseph Gorsuch and F. T. Groscup,
as trustees for the use of the Methodist church as fully
and with the same powers as if they had been appoint-
ed trustees in accordance with the directions in said
deed of trust.
In force.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Feb. 24,1854.
AN ACT to incorporate the Frostburg Water company.
Company es-
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That a company shall be established in
the town of Frostburg, for said purpose, the capital stock
whereof shall be ten thousand dollars, divided into one
thousand shares of ten dollars each, and that subscrip-
tions to constitute said stock, shall on the first Monday
of May next, be opened in said town, under the super-
intendence of the following commissioners or a majority
of them, viz: Robert McCulloh, John Keller and Nel-
son Beall, and that the subscription books shall be kept
open for the space of three days, and if subscriptions to
the amount of one-fourth or more of the capital be
taken, then the said company shall be authorised to go
into operation, and the books may be re-opened for the
.completion of said capital at the pleasure of said com-
pany, upon the same terms and conditions as are pre-
scribed to the said commissioners in taking subscrip-
Notice of
opening sub-
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said commis-
sioners shall give not less than two weeks notice of the
time and place of opening said subscriptions, by posting
up handbills in the said town of Frostburg, and that
each subscriber at the time of subscribing, shall pay
into the hands of said commissioners, the sum of one
dollar on each share of stock for which he shall sub-
scribe, to be paid over by the said commissioners to the