SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That David Brumbaugh, George C.
Rohrer, John Ash, David Zeller, John Snively, George
Thomas, George S. Kennedy, Elijah Bishop, Freder-
ick Rohrer, Henry Eyerly, William Loughridge, Thom-
as Maddox, Robert F. Kennedy, John Kendle, John
Tice, Lewis P. Fiery, James Caudy, Andrew R. Snive-
ly, Joseph Garver, Daniel Stratzman, Frederick K.
Zeigler, John W. Breather:!, Samuel A. Rohrer, An-
drew Rench, John H. Heyser, Jacob Fiery, Martin
Stratsman, Leander McKee, Henry R. Tice, Mat ma-
duke W. Boyd and Joseph P. Mong, of Washington
county, and all other persons who are now members,
or may hereafter become members of the society now
known as the Agricultural and Mechanical Association
of Washington county, and their successors, be, and
they are hereby created a corporation, for the promo-
tion and encouragement of agriculture and the me-
chanic arts, in all their branches, by the name and
style of the Agricultural and Mechanical Associa-
tion of Washington county, and by that name shall
have perpetual succession, sue and be sued, implead
and be impleaded, answer and defend, in any court of
law or equity in this Slate, shall have, make and use
a common seal, and the same break, change or re-
new at pleasure; shall take, hold and possess real and
personal property, not exceeding in value twenty thou-
sand dollars, by gift, grant, purchase, bequest or devise,
to be used for the general purposes of the association,
and the same, or any part thereof, grant, sell, transfer,
lease and convey; shall have full power and authority to
establish agriculture and mechanical exhibitions, and
regulate the same, grant premiums, and do any matter
or thing, in its judgment, conducive to the objects of