and perform all services, and receive the same compen-
sation therefor, as if he had not removed from said
county, and it shall not be necessary to issue new writs
of execution, or duplicates of such writs us now are
or may be in his hands, to his successor in alike, as
provided in the act of eighteen hundred and twenty-
three, chapter one hundred and eighty, unless he shall
fail to attend to the execution and return of said process
in person or by some competent deputy, but when it
shall appear by the return of the said James E. Douglass,
on any of the said writs now or that may hereafter be
in his hands, that the property levied on by him by virtue
of said writs, is or may be on hand for want of bidders,
and it shall be deemed necessary by the plaintiff or his
counsel, to issue writs of venditioni exponas, or have
those already issued, or that may be issued, renewed,
the circuit court for said county may, and shall direct
them to the said James E. Douglass, as if he had con-
tinued to reside in said county.
of deputy.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That in the event of
the removal of the said James E. Douglass, from said
county, in order to enjoy the benefit of the provisions of
this act, he shall first appoint, and thereafter continue
to keep until his business aforesaid has been closed, a
competent deputy , who shall reside in the town of Cam-
bridge, and he shall give notice in all the newspapers
published in said county of such appointment.
Act of 1823,
ch. 180, not to
apply to said
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That so much of the
act of eighteen hundred and twenty-three, chapter one
hundred and eighty, as requires that new writs of exe-
cution, or duplicates of such writs shall be issued, in
the event of the removal of any sheriff from the county
for which he shall be elected sheriff, and directed to his
successor, and that provides that the said sheriff so re-
moving shall not be entitled to any fees on the execu-
tions in his hands unclosed, shall not apply to the case
of the said James E. Douglass.
In force.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect from and after its passage.