Brought forward...............................
Interest on Personal Accounts......................
10,528 17
Land Office, ........................................
737 80
Live Stock Scales,..................................
10, 991 55
Lotteries, for this sum received under contract for
extinguishing grams of,...........................
38,250 00
Tax on Certain Officers,...........................
3,471 21
Tax on Plaintiffs,...................................
1,010 59
Pratt Street Wharf,...................................
505 43
Tax on Protests.....................................
2,430 00
Tax on Stamps, .....................................
56,238 75
Tax on State and other Stocks,......................
37,745 76
Tax, Direct ami Specific...........................
380,993 73
State Tobacco Inspections in Baltimore..........
20,118 34
Marriage Licenses,................................
9 044 04
Licenses to Keepers of Ordinaries,.................
31,613 32
Licenses to Hawkers and Pedlars..................
2,666 34
Races, &c. ,............................................
6 00
Non-Resident Licenses, ..............................
2,970 00
Wood Huckster Licenses,.............................
1,105 01
Licenses to Traders...................................
76,423 69
Licenses to Billiard Table Keepers,.................
1 ,830 59
Exhibition Licenses,................................
1,987 64
Brokers Licenses, :..................................
4,715 28
Excess of Officers Fees, over and above the sum
limited by the Constitution......................
1,876 24
Road Stock,..........................................
27,500 00
Tax for Slat Colonization.........................
2,039 55
Susquehanna and Tide Water Canal Companies,
Baltimore and Susquehanna Railroad Company,
Seals and Taxes in Chancery.....................
33,550 00
25,000 00
41 20
Balance in the Treasury, as of the 1st Decem-
ber, 1852.........................................
$1;000,053 19
170,452 28
Making an aggregate of...........................
$1,170,505 47