Of the Receipts and Expenditures of the public money, for the
year ending September 30th, 1853, furnished in obedience to
the 20th section of the 3d Article of the Constitution, and the
Act of Assembly passed at January session, 1854, chapter 16.
ANNAPOLIS, March 11, 1854.
In the year ended the 30th September, 1853
there was received into the Treasury the sum
of $1,000,053.19, on the following accounts
Auction Duties,..............................
$14,326 83
8 ,300 00
2 800
77 350
34,006 83
70,426 38
450 00
7,834 75
1,062 19
22,602 56
20,110 87
5,332 55
2,414 66
2,600 00
4,854 55
826 84
3,745 00
14,967 45
Auctioneers' Licenses,........................
A person unknown,............................
Bank Bonus,................................
Bank Stock— for dividends,....................
Balt. and Ohio R. R. Co., for one-fifth of receipts
from passengers on Washington branch road..
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company, for in-
terest on dividend bonds,..................
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company, for in-
terest on sterling bonds converted,...............
Tax on Civil Commissions.........................
Tax on Collateral Inheritances,....................
Tax on Commissions to Executors and Adminis-
Tax on Commissions to Trustees and Receivers,
Fines and Forfeitures,.............................
Licenses to Agents of Foreign Corporations,.......
Tax on Foreign Insurance,...........................
Hay Scales in the city of Baltimore,...............
Tax on Policies of Insurance......................
Tax on Incorporated Institutions...................
Carried forward ...............................