Aggregate in the Treasury in the
$1,170,505 47
Of this aggregate there has been
—disbursed in the year the sum of
$825,147 67, on the following
accounts, viz :
Commission to Attorneys,.........
2,594 59
5,975 98
The Library — (Augmentation,) of
Interest on the public debt........
406 65
431,764 32
The Judiciary.......................
30,411 08
2,834 16
' Colleges, Academies and Schools-
Penitentiary ........................
13,327 57
6,000 00
Civil Officers........................
12,231 00
Annapolis and Elkridge Railroad
3,004 62
908 33
State Colonization................
6,000 00
Indigent Deaf and Dumb.........
1, 147 91
State Tobacco Warehouses in Bal-
3,107 98
Surplus Revenue...................
34,069 36
Sinking Fund....................
42,407 21
Contingent Fund for the Library.
Special Appropriations..............
4,619 45
48,318 31
Tobacco inspection in Baltimore.
Executive Contingent Fund......
14,774 49
2,702 74
Fuel and Lights...................
2,399 57
Contingent Fund for the Treasury
488 18
Public Buildings.................
413 00
Public Printing.....................
10,436 99
Legislature ......................
76,849 29
Postage of the. Legislature and
Officers at the Seat of Govern-
3,198 71
Penitentiary 5 per cent, stock, ch.
150, of 1821, (redeemed,).......
40,234 44
Railroad 5 percent, stock, ch. 105,
of 1833, (redeemed,)..........
14,921 84
Carried forward.............