AN ACT to make valid a deed from Daniel Lamborn to
Leonard Ruark.
Feb. 24, 1854.
WHEREAS, doubts are entertained as to the validity of
the acknowledgment of a deed for certain lands, in
Anne Arundel county, made by Daniel Lamborn to
Leonard Ruark, dated the eleventh day of February,
eighteen hundred and forty-five, and recorded in Liber
J. H. N., number, one, folio twenty-two, one of the
land record books of Anne Arundel county ;
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That from and after the passage of this act, the said
deed be and the same is hereby made and declared to
be as valid and operative in law as if the same had
been in all respects legally and properly acknowledged
and certified; and that all defects in the acknowledg-
Deed made
ment of said deed be cured; Provided, nothing in this
act shall affect the right of bona fide purchasers, with-
out notice, who have become so before the passage of
this act.
AN ACT to authorise the renewal of certain certificates
of State stock belonging to William Nelson, of Wor-
cester county.
Feb. 24, 1854.
WHEREAS, it is represented that William Nelson, of
Worcester county, was entitled to the sum of one
thousand three hundred dollars of the debt of the
State of Maryland, created by the act of the General
Assembly, passed in the year eighteen hundred and
thirty-four, chapter two hundred and forty-one, in two
certificates, one of which certificates was issued on
the seventh day of August, eighteen hundred and
fifty-one, for the sum of one thousand dollars, and
numbered ten thousand six hundred and seventy-six,
and the other on the same day, for the sum of three
hundred dollars, and numbered ten thousand six hun-
dred and seventy-seven; and the said certificates, on