Jan. 24, 1854.
Resolution relative to the Bonds purchased for the use
of the Sinking Fund, and the Coupon Certificates
of interest which have been cancelled.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That a joint committee of the two Houses of the Gener-
al Assembly of Maryland, consisting of two members
of the House of Delegates, and one member of the
Senate, be appointed for the purpose of examining and
destroying the bonds purchased by the Treasurer for
the use of the Sinking Fund, as also (he coupon certi-
ficates of interest which have been cancelled.
No. 9.
Feb. 17, 1854.
Resolution tendering the thanks of this State to Cap-
tain Creighton, Captain Lowe, and Captain Stouffer,
for their noble and humane conduct in rescuing so
many lives from the wreck of the ill-fated Steamer
San Francisco.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the thanks of this State be, and they are hereby
tendered to Captain Creighton, of the Bark Three
Bells, Captain Lowe, of the Kilby, and Captain Stouf-
fei, of the Antarctic, for their noble and humane con-
duct in rescuing so many valuable lives from the wreck
of the ill-fated Steamer San Francisco.
Resolved, That the thanks of their native State are
also tendered to Captain James T. Watkins, the noble
and heroic commander of the unfortunate Steamship
San Francisco, and to Major Wise, Lieutenants W. A.