county, are hereby authorised and required, to appoint
three discreet and sensible men examiners, who or a
majority of whom, shall be hereby empowered to locate
a course or channel into which that part of Mattawoman
run, at and near the point at which the stage road lead-
ing from Port Tobacco to Glymont crosses the same,
shall be turned for the purpose of straightening and
contracting said run; and the said examiners shall have
power to condemn for the public use, so much land as
may be necessary for said purpose, and shall designate
the point of said run, where changed, over and at which,
a bridge shall be built.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That for the purpose of
ascertaining the value of the land so condemned, and
the damages accruing therefrom, to the owner or owners
thereof, it shall be the duly of the sheriff of Charles
county, upon being required by the examiners afore-
said, to summon a jury of twelve disinterested men,
who shall upon their oaths, and upon their own view
of the premises condemned as aforesaid, assess the value
of said condemned land, and such reasonable damages
accruing therefrom to the owner or owners thereof, as
they shall deem just; and the examiners aforesaid shall
make full return thereon, together with all the legal
costs and charges accruing under their direction, in the
execution of this act.
Jury to be
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That any party interested
who shall feel aggrieved by the judgment of the jury
aforesaid, may take an appeal to the next circuit court
of the county, after the return of the examiners shall
have been made, and in the trial of the appeal, either
party may demand a jury for the trial of the issue or
issues involved.
Right of ap-
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the county com-
missioners aforesaid, cause to be cut a canal or channel
way in the course which shall be designated by said
examiners, for the change in said run, and shall cause
to be erected over said run, when changed, at such
point as shall be designated by said examiners, a strong
and substantial bridge.
Erection of
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the examiners,
who shall be appointed by virtue of this act, shall be
entitled to two dollars each for each day they shall be
necessarily engaged in the execution of this act; the
sheriff shall be entitled to his legal fee for each juror
summoned, and the jurors shall each be entitled to fifty
Per diem.