Mar. 10, 1854.
AN ACT to increase the number of Justices of the Peace
and Constables, in some of the election districts in
certain counties of this State.
Number of
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the number of justices of the peace
to be elected at the next general election of said officers
and every such general election thereafter, be, and the
same is hereby increased for the election districts here-
inafter named, to the number herein specified, that is to
say: for election district number five in Anne Arundel
county to four, and for election district number six in
the same county to three, for election number eleven
in Baltimore county to four, and for election district
number thirteen in the same county to three, for elec-
tion district number eight in Frederick county to four,
and for election district number twelve in the same
county to three, for election district four in Allegany
county to three, for election district number five in Har-
ford county to five, for election district number one,
number two, number three, number four and number
five in Howard county to three for each, and for election
district number one in Talbot county to three.
Number of
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the number of
constables to be elected at the next general election for
constables and any such general election thereafter, be,
and the same is hereby increased in the election dis-
tricts hereinafter named, to the number herein specified,
that is to say: for election district number four in St.
Mary's county to three, for election district number five
in Anne Arundel county to three, and for election dis-
trict number three in the same county to three, for
election district number four, number six, number seven
and number eleven in Baltimore county to two for each,
and for election district number thirteen in the same
county to three, for election district number ten in Car-
roll county to two, for election district number three in
Harford county to four, for election district number four
in Dorchester county to two, and for election district
number three in the same county to three, and for elec-
tion district number one in Charles county to four, for
election district number six in Somerset to four.